Big Debate Club helps pupils to take part in a short, guided debates to build better speaking skills. To find out more click here

Should teachers let AI help you with your homework?
Participants: 102
Should countries be paid to allow refugees to settle there?
Participants: 112
Should schools teach basic survival skills?
Participants: 246
With gifts – is it the thought that counts?
Participants: 188
Should some books be banned from schools?
Participants: 123
Should all citizens be required to volunteer in their community?
Participants: 128
Can you ever truly know what happened in history?
Participants: 96
Should we lower the voting age to 16?
Participants: 72
Should the US have stricter gun control?
Participants: 44
Should citizens have to pass a political knowledge test in order to vote?
Participants: 25
Is ignorance really bliss?
Participants: 92
Should students grade their teachers?
Participants: 123
What is more important – online safety or physical safety?
Participants: 227
Are the Olympic games an overall benefit for their host countries?
Participants: 313
Is natural talent more important for success than hard work?
Participants: 20
Should social media no longer allow anonymous posting?
Participants: 1,005
Should the school day start later in the morning?
Participants: 955
Can money buy happiness?
Participants: 575
Should the Summer Holidays be Shorter?
Participants: 425
Should students appoint their teachers?
Participants: 346
Should journalist be prosecuted for knowingly publishing misinformation?
Participants: 172
Is AI dangerous?
Participants: 716
Would human like robots be better or worse for society?
Participants: 580
Should Teachers wear a uniform if students have to?
Participants: 979
Should cultural artefacts be returned to their country of origin?
Participants: 780
Pride 2: Are members of the LGBTQ community well represented in the media?
Participants: 454
Pride 1: Would a genderless society be better?
Participants: 467
Is world peace even a remote possibility?
Participants: 1,088
Is being famous worth it?
Participants: 1,062
Should the homeless be allowed to keep pets?
Participants: 809
Is Robin Hood more of a criminal or a hero?
Participants: 552
Is tourism always beneficial to a country?
Participants: 1,099
Can anything be forgiven?
Participants: 951
Should religious studies be kept out of schools?
Participants: 571
Is it wrong for devices to track you?
Participants: 1,119
If time travel was possible, would it be best to go to the future or the past?
Participants: 1,306
Is graffiti art just as worthy as classical paintings?
Participants: 770
Should the amount of fast food people are allowed to eat be restricted?
Participants: 1,429
Who is a better support system, teachers or friends?
Participants: 282
Is homework essential in the learning process?
Participants: 1,034
Is the best way to make friends to join school clubs?
Participants: 401
Should there be a legal age for teens to drink energy drinks?
Participants: 799
Should homework be banned?
Participants: 501
Do you grow more as a person in primary or secondary school?
Participants: 582
Does social media improve or impede communication?
Participants: 637
Should the death penalty be abolished?
Participants: 431
Is change always a good thing?
Participants: 399
Is student voice heard enough at school?
Participants: 1,014
Should people be able to freely move between countries?
Participants: 672
Does an MP need to be a certain age or from a certain community to be a good one?
Participants: 902
Is Earth big enough for human population?
Participants: 896
Should we impose curfews on under 16s?
Participants: 1,324
Should all children be given pocket money?
Participants: 1,665
Should we have a four day work week?
Participants: 1,370
Should people have to attend parenting classes if they have a child?
Participants: 821
Should we say Happy Holidays rather than Merry Christmas?
Participants: 933
Is being an only child better than having siblings?
Participants: 764
Should companies be forced to hire 50% male and 50% female employees?
Participants: 1,094
Is doing a job you love important?
Participants: 880
Should politics be kept out of schools?
Participants: 911
Is it better to live in the countryside than the city?
Participants: 1,534
Does the media content you consume change your behaviour?
Participants: 1,172
Should shops stop selling bottled water?
Participants: 759
Should foreign countries intervene in the politics of other countries?
Participants: 997
Is food delivery a blessing or a curse?
Participants: 1,280
Are core subjects more important than others?
Participants: 835
Should we prioritise British History in schools?
Participants: 549
Is money the root of all evil?
Participants: 1,640
BHM: Is Black History Month effective?
Participants: 1,160
BHM: Is there ever an excuse for prejudice?
Participants: 931
Should you separate the art from the artist?
Participants: 1,076
Is the freedom to say whatever you want always good?
Participants: 1,004
Should all young people be made to play outside more?
Participants: 1,449
Should some dog breeds be banned in the UK?
Participants: 1,297
Do protests ever achieve anything?
Participants: 1,145
Is Barbie a good role model?
Participants: 616
Should babies under 2 get their ears pierced?
Participants: 1,130
Should you have to attend summer school if you are underachieving?
Participants: 682
Should beauty companies be punished for testing on animals?
Participants: 770
Does pineapple belong on pizza?
Participants: 984
Should actors be allowed to play characters, which are a different race to their own?
Participants: 784
Can TV be as educational as reading?
Participants: 611
Do dogs make better pets than cats?
Participants: 1,230
Is it ok that there are more female teachers than male?
Participants: 905
Should doctors and nurses be paid more than politicians?
Participants: 1,288
If you had a superpower would you use it for personal gain or to help others?
Participants: 528
Transition debates: Homework
Participants: 27
Transition debates: Bullying and Mental Health
Participants: 3
Transition debates: Friendship
Participants: 7
Should students be allowed to read graphic novels and manga alongside books without pictures during school?
Participants: 755
Is it ever ok to lie?
Participants: 891
Should repeated bullying be punishable by law?
Participants: 1,007
Is space exploration worth it?
Participants: 235
Should everyone give 20% of their wages to charity?
Participants: 1,164
Is it better to be a teacher or a pupil?
Participants: 1,407
Is Anime better than other types of Animation?
Participants: 290
Should people who commit minor crimes give back to the community rather than go to prison?
Participants: 617
Are there more pros or cons to the British Monarchy?
Participants: 644
Is there more that unites us than divides us?
Participants: 507
Should we allow a government to change PM without the public voting?
Participants: 169
Should you have to use your real name on social media?
Participants: 1,160
Should Scotland have independence from the UK?
Participants: 322
Is it better to donate to UK charities instead of ones in other countries?
Participants: 1,524
Should Donald Trump be able to run for President again?
Participants: 312
Should female footballers be paid the same as male footballers?
Participants: 1,188
Should parents and carers be legally responsible for children who commit crimes?
Participants: 504
Should men and women have the same amount of time off from work when they have a baby?
Participants: 1,464
Should there be an International Men’s Day?
Participants: 317
Should parents and carers take away young peoples phones until homework is done?
Participants: 1,407
Were The BBC right to ask Gary Lineker to take a “step back”?
Participants: 801
Should all school dinners be free?
Participants: 1,538
Should we change Roald Dahl’s books?
Participants: 327
Do video games make people more violent?
Participants: 1,211
Should people use animal as clothes?
Participants: 726
Should every nation get free healthcare?
Participants: 1,140
Should parents be able to get into their children’s social media?
Participants: 1,703
Would a year in the army create better citizens?
Participants: 1,531
Is it better to be honest and poor or dishonest and rich?
Participants: 1,478
Should education always be free?
Participants: 1,537
Should we ban fancy dress in schools?
Participants: 1,534
Should only well behaved young people get presents?
Participants: 1,554
Can regular people stop climate change?
Participants: 799
Should every pupil have to attend an after school club?
Participants: 1,459
Would giving bullies detention stop bullying?
Participants: 1,649
Is the rising cost of living making life in the UK too expensive?
Participants: 856
Would more police working at night decrease crime?
Participants: 1,481
Is the best way to reduce littering to add more bins?
Participants: 1,675
Is autumn the best season?
Participants: 1,753
Should everyone buy electric cars?
Participants: 1,629
Is better funding for the police the way to solve crime?
Participants: 1,464
Should we improve transport to prevent overpopulation of our cities?
Participants: 1,387
Should flying be more expensive to fight climate change?
Participants: 1,124
Should food companies donate food to stop poverty?
Participants: 2,073
Should we give youth more free activities to end youth crime?
Participants: 981
Transition: Is it hard to navigate a bigger school with more students?
Participants: 77
Transition: Should I spend more time making new friends or hanging out with my old friends?
Participants: 124
Transition: Is it safer to bring cash for school lunches or pay by card?
Participants: 34
Transition: Is the best way to stay organised to turn in work online?
Participants: 48
Transition: Is it better to defend people who are getting bullied or to not get involved?
Participants: 341
Transition: Will making more friends in high schools improve mental health?
Participants: 49
Should we travel abroad during the summer?
Participants: 1,069
Should pupils be able to appoint their headteacher?
Participants: 1,933
Should mothers stay at home and look after their children?
Participants: 1,557
TLYA: Is immigration a good thing or a bad thing?
Participants: 0
Should a country ever go to war?
Participants: 1,502
Should young people go to bed at the same time every night?
Participants: 1,936
Should we only eat food produced in Britain?
Participants: 1,919
Should animals live in a zoo?
Participants: 2,568
Should schools spend more time/money on arts education?
Participants: 2,061
Should we give free homes to the homeless?
Participants: 2,854
Is climate change the worst problem in human history?
Participants: 1,695
Should NHS workers have more child benefit than us?
Participants: 1,064
Should animal testing be banned?
Participants: 2,660
Should schools offer more support in mental health services?
Participants: 938
Is technology making our life better?
Participants: 3,449
Should we force people to vote?
Participants: 2,396
Can children make a big difference to climate change?
Participants: 4,191
Should 10 year olds have a mobile phone?
Participants: 3,418
Does reality TV do more harm than good?
Participants: 1,376
Does everyone deserve to be loved?
Participants: 3,949
Is January the worst month?
Participants: 9,377
Should we ban uniforms?
Participants: 7,370
Should boys and girls go to different schools?
Participants: 7,469
In general, which is better? The book or the film?
Participants: 3,831
Should everyone be vegetarian?
Participants: 4,185
Are New Year’s resolutions a waste of time?
Participants: 2,053
What would motivate you more in a job? Money or happiness?
Participants: 3,092
Is it fair to punish everyone for a few students’ behaviour?
Participants: 3,976
Should the Government focus their spending on health or sport?
Participants: 3,489
Should we tackle pollution by banning paper?
Participants: 3,508
Should people get the same pay for all jobs?
Participants: 4,284
Should there be a population limit for cities?
Participants: 3,014
Is Youtube a good or bad thing?
Participants: 3,742
Should billionaires exist?
Participants: 2,733
Should you feel guilty about killing insects?
Participants: 2,323
What’s more important? Protecting the environment or exploring space?
Participants: 2,122
Should teachers be replaced by computers?
Participants: 1,418
Which would you prefer? Being scared of nothing or being scared of everything?
Participants: 2,082
Should Britain have a Royal Family?
Participants: 1,210
Should ESports be in the next Olympics?
Participants: 1,322
What came first? The chicken or the egg?
Participants: 1,375
Would you trust a self-driving car?
Participants: 1,326
Is it better to have knowledge or imagination?
Participants: 1,888
How important is it for people to be able to visit the Houses of Parliament building?
Participants: 1,909
Is social media a good thing or a bad thing?
Participants: 1,714
How important is it that the Houses of Parliament building sets an example for protecting the environment?
Participants: 2,817
Should the Olympics be held this summer?
Participants: 1,461
How important is it that the Houses of Parliament Building is protected and saved for future generations?
Participants: 1,675
Can one person change the world?
Participants: 1,526
Should children be allowed to vote in elections?
Participants: 2,112
Is there too much money in football?
Participants: 1,959
Should we continue wearing face masks after the end of the pandemic?
Participants: 1,497
Is school detention a good thing?
Participants: 1,171
Is it good to have a strict teacher?
Participants: 3,970
Should you show empathy to everyone?
Participants: 2,707
If you had a robot that could do homework, would you ask it to do yours?
Participants: 1,590
Is it right that reopening schools is the number one priority?
Participants: 6,057
Should having the internet be a human right?
Participants: 7,487
Should the school day be longer to make up for lost learning?
Participants: 1,265
Is the coronavirus and the pandemic being focused on too much?
Participants: 9,447
Should everyone be forced to have a coronavirus vaccine?
Participants: 6,866
Should you be able to buy a coronavirus vaccine?
Participants: 6,116
Is lockdown easier or harder this time?
Participants: 5,927
Is the national lockdown the right or wrong thing to do?
Participants: 1,639